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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Juliet, Naked ~ Nick Hornby

Juliet, Naked was a completely different book than I'm use to reading.  I read it in about 4 days even though it was only about 400 pages. 

Annie's boyfriend, Duncan, is completely obsessed with a former rock star named Tucker Crowe.  Tucker releases an acoustic album of his most popular album.  Duncan, of course loves the new album and Annie not so much.  Deciphering the album causes Annie and Duncan to reevaluate their relationship all together.  Something kind of cool happens to Annie during this time but I don't want to give it away because it was the highlight of the book for me and I don't want to ruin it for you. 

The beginning of the book was semi-boring and didn't really suck me into it until the kind of cool thing happens to Annie.  From that point on, I just wanted to see how everyone ended up.  There was a lot of banter, joking, sarcastic dialogue which was interesting to read.  The book had a nice ending that I was satisfied with.

I read this book for free from my library.  I noticed that the ebook version at B&N was running a little high, at $12.99.  Personally, I would have been disappointed in this book if I paid money for it.  Also, you have to keep in mind that this was my first Nick Hornby book so the fans out there may love it. 

For the hardcover click here.  For the B&N ebook click here and for the paperback click here.

In my Opinion: C

The Girl Who Chased the Moon ~ Sarah Addison Allen

The Girl Who Chased the Moon was such a cute book! I actually read the whole thing last night.  It's magical and lovely.

Emily moves in with her grandfather who lives in a quirky small southern town that her mother grew up in.  The town residents look at her strange and treat her differently because her mom was the mean popular girl in school. Her mom was involved in some drama that went down when she was a teenager and no one will tell Emily exactly what happened.   Emily begins seeing strange lights coming from the woods behind her house and crazy things happen in her room.   The story is about Emily's journey in figuring out the secrets the town holds and her family's history.

I suspect there will be a sequel but I don't know anything about it.  I will be adding Sarah Addison Allen's other 2 book to my to-read list!

To purchase the B&N ebook click here and for the hardcover click here.

In My Opinion: A